Online therapy is a convenient way for individuals to access mental health care from the comfort of their own homes. We are affiliated with MindHarmony.

Welcome to Therapy Healthline

Our goal is to provide credible and accurate information about the latest research in talk therapy and mental health. We write articles so that mental health professionals and therapists can stay up to date within the field and deliver their best for their clients. We also provide detailed product reviews so that people can make the best decision for themselves when seeking products or services related to therapy.
We are a team of writers, doctors, and counselors who are passionate about all things mental health, from the human mind to the physical body.
With new trends emerging every day (like online therapy) and services becoming cheaper and more accessible to everyone, it’s vital that the complexities of the brain and mental health are distilled into information everyone can understand.
Online therapy doesn’t have to be intimidating or impossible. Therapy Healthline is here to take out the guesswork and provide timely and accurate research so people can choose the best online services for themselves.

Meet Our Team

Christine Traxler

Christine Traxler MD is a family physician, lifelong writer, and author with a special interest in mental health and the physical after-effects of psychological trauma. As a contributing writer for Therapy Healthline, she brings a holistic focus that emphasizes healing and emotional wellness through daily self-care, connecting with others, and setting stepwise goals toward achieving more balanced and authentic lives. Her writing reflects her passion for sharing with others the essential tools they may need to find what matters in their own lives and learn how to nurture those parts – regardless of where they came from or the kind of person they wish to become.

Kathryn Wilson

Kathryn Wilson received her doctorate in clinical psychology and has worked in a variety of mental health settings, including veterans hospitals, state psychiatric facilities, and private psychiatric hospitals. She has also taught undergraduate psychology courses and high school science. Her passions include wellness, psychology, life sciences, and writing. When she is not working, she can be found hiking and exploring the outdoors with her family

Morgan Blair

Morgan Blair is a licensed professional counselor and freelance writer living in Denver, Colorado. Morgan holds a masters degree from Northwestern University in clinical mental health counseling. She is a contributing writer for Psychology Today and run her own counseling practice where she treats individuals suffering from a wide range of mental health struggles. When she isn't writing or working as a counselor, Morgan can be found hiking in the Colorado mountains or planning her next scuba diving trip.

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